Bearing Dynamics and Sound |
Bearing Dynamics and SoundPrefaceA growing awareness of noise pollution, prompted in part by government regulations, has been noticeable during recent years. One is hard-pressed to single out an industry that has not been affected, either as a user or a supplier.
The bearing as a transmitter
Simply put, a bearing may be thought of as a massless spring/damper connecting a shaft to its housing. Typically, the interest lies in determining how vibration is transferred from housing to shaft or vice versa. For example, the excitation of meshing gears is carried along the shaft, through the bearing and to the exposed housing surface, where some of the energy is converted to airborne noise.
The bearing as an exciterThe excitation potential of any rolling element bearing is determined primarily by the topography of its rolling surfaces. For example, a severe force pulse would result if a gross imperfection, such as a spall of sufficient size, were present in an operating bearing. Similarly, small imperfections such as brinell marks, nicks and any other deviations from perfect roundness of the components, will cause smaller fluctuation in the dynamic force. Hertzian theory tells us that even minute deformations can result in forces of significant magnitude. Therefore, this is the mechanism causing the bearing to act as an exciter. These constants, along with the operating speed (S), the number of rollers (Z) and a harmonic index (i), permit the calculation of certain frequencies. They, in turn, identify specific disturbances (Table 1).
Measurement considerationsThe frequencies listed in Table 1 are applicable whenever a bearing is evaluated. A typical approach employs an accelerometer attached on or near the bearing. By performing a narrow band frequency analysis of the acceleration signal, one can usually determine if the bearing is damaged or meets a user established vibration criterion.
Acoustic implicationsThe mechanical energy in the bearing-generated dynamic forces and those presented to the bearing from the rotating member for transmission to the stationary member, will first be transferred to the structure supporting the bearing. The energy then permeates the structure and will be partially converted to acoustic energy upon arriving at an air/solid interface. Depending upon the mass, stiffness, geometry and boundary crossings characterizing the structure, the mechanical energy will undergo modifications. As a result of this transfer function, the prevailing acoustic energy (or airborne sound) will be a function not only of the mechanical vibration
Design considerationsUsually, resonances can be shifted or minimized by selective design, i.e., the shrewd manipulation of mass and/or stiffness. Where possible, impedance mismatches should be part of the design. For example, the vibration path between some electric motors and their bases is interrupted by rubber-like inserts. Also, consideration should be given to damping, either in the form of visco-elastic layers or mechanical discontinuities. 寧波三泰軸承有限公司 NINGBO SUNTHAI BEARING COMPANY 商標 BRANDS:三泰 SUNTHAI , 飛帆 F&F |
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